The Spider Hill:
Westminster station detail
The Spider Hill:
Sunglass stall, Shaftesbury Avenue
The Spider Hill:
Stairwell, Temple
The Spider Hill:
Hanna, in a pint glass
The Spider Hill:
Photo 58/365 - 27 February: HRH The Queen, Oxford Street, London
The Spider Hill:
Rainy couple, Shaftesbury Avenue
The Spider Hill:
Orange sky
The Spider Hill:
Photographers' Gallery, in sunglasses
The Spider Hill:
Millennium Wheel as seen from Westminster Bridge
The Spider Hill:
Grille abstract, Soho
The Spider Hill:
French girls talking, South Bank, London
The Spider Hill:
Depressing flyers, Temple
The Spider Hill:
Bus trails, Westminster Bridge
The Spider Hill:
Hanna, makeup
The Spider Hill:
The Britvic Dave experiment
The Spider Hill:
bridge light