The Spider Hill: IMG_0074
The Spider Hill: IMG_0073
The Spider Hill: IMG_0072
The Spider Hill: IMG_0069
The Spider Hill: IMG_0057
The Spider Hill: IMG_0055
The Spider Hill: IMG_0048
The Spider Hill: Sunnyvale recording. Explains it all really.
The Spider Hill: waveform
The Spider Hill: The creative cutting edge of Sunnyvale.
The Spider Hill: Recording
The Spider Hill: Not the face! series #3
The Spider Hill: Prison photo 2
The Spider Hill: Record deck
The Spider Hill: Mong ears
The Spider Hill: Giles & Alan
The Spider Hill: More recording
The Spider Hill: bit of cable
The Spider Hill: Keyboard part
The Spider Hill: Ladies man Giles Borg
The Spider Hill: Keyboard part 2