technokitten: wheelbarrow race in the pool
technokitten: everyone got wet!
technokitten: getting wet in the paddling pool
technokitten: Tanya enjoying a lie in the pool
technokitten: it started off fairly civilised
technokitten: Jeb thinks he can take on the older boys
technokitten: Pegleg was taken very seriously
technokitten: Tanya's struggling out of the pool
technokitten: They're making sure Miles got soaked
technokitten: Party in the pool
technokitten: syt party in the park
technokitten: syt party in the park
technokitten: Sue in Worcester
technokitten: sue and lisa.jpg
technokitten: Miles is posing, Becky's non-plussed
technokitten: working out tactics for pegleg
technokitten: peg leg in the park
technokitten: wheelbarrow race at Gheluvelt Park