technoindigo: My sis meeting Domokun
technoindigo: Picture 002
technoindigo: Picture 003
technoindigo: Picture 004
technoindigo: Picture 005
technoindigo: Picture 006
technoindigo: Picture 007
technoindigo: Picture 008
technoindigo: Picture 011
technoindigo: Picture 012
technoindigo: Picture 013
technoindigo: Picture 014
technoindigo: Picture 015
technoindigo: Picture 016
technoindigo: Picture 017
technoindigo: Sleeping kitty
technoindigo: Another view of the sleeping kitteh
technoindigo: closer...
technoindigo: even closer...
technoindigo: different angle...
technoindigo: a cute ball of snoozing fluff...
technoindigo: so close she almost woke up...
technoindigo: Picture 025
technoindigo: The fog on the way back
technoindigo: Picture 027
technoindigo: More fog...
technoindigo: Picture 029
technoindigo: Picture 030