Technogym - The Wellness Company: Technogym на выставке Здравоохранение-2009
Technogym - The Wellness Company: La rivoluzione di Kinesis™ nella viva esperienza di un Club
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Gli accessori Kinesis moltiplicano l'allenamento
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Progetta la tua palestra con i nostri consigli
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Viaggio alla scoperta di Kinesis™ One: Odyssey Knebworth, Stevenage (UK)
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Pillole di Wellness a... casa
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Allena la mente insieme al corpo
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Boost your business, choose Kinesis
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Allenarsi fra le rocce
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Allenarsi fra le rocce
Technogym - The Wellness Company: On the road with Kinesis™ One: Aspria Club, Berlin
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Wellness & technology
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Per allenarsi i VIP scelgono Kinesis
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Technogym participates at the Hotel Show 2008 to exhibit new elements in wellness solutions
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Montano prova Kinesis Personal in vista delle Olimpiadi di Pechino 2008
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Technogym al Salone del Mobile 2008
Technogym - The Wellness Company: kinesis ad Abitare il Tempo
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Xu Hui Hui ospite di Technogym
Technogym - The Wellness Company: Julie & Kinesis Vision