feesable: back @space_office (one of my old temp 'homes') for an #openspace & #opensourcehome mtg
feesable: just did a media photoshoot for #opensourcehome with #homeJames in front of Queens Theatre. getting excited about 22-24th July!
feesable: about to go on to @threedradio to chat #opensourcehome ...
feesable: bump-in time for #opensourcehome
feesable: It's a parcan party! #opensourcehome
feesable: ladies and gentleman, I now declare #OpenSourceHome *drumroll* OPEN!
feesable: First #OpenSourceHome tug of war: life vs art. life thought they'd won, but art ran away with it #truth
feesable: yummy taco cat caravan meets #homeJames for a bon voyage at #OpenSourceHome
feesable: backstage at #OpenSourceHome - @adelaidesean tumblrs while @millsjenjen reads
feesable: backstage at #OpenSourceHome - @adelaidesean reads as @scribblemoth draws
feesable: backstage at #OpenSourceHome - @millsjenjen reads while @scribblemoth draws
feesable: #OpenSourceHome @elliottbledsoe is taking us on a walking tour of adelaide's legal history in prep for his talk at 4pm.
feesable: #OpenSourceHome @elliottbledsoe informs us at hindmarsh sq that there has never been 'common land' owned by the people in Australian law (ignoring the traditional owners, of course)
feesable: #OpenSourceHome moving on to internode, @elliottbledsoe shifts from property law to intellectual property law.
feesable: #OpenSourceHome on to the apple store to discuss copyright battlefronts
feesable: #OpenSourceHome final location for today's walking tour, state library, talking copyright as it relates to collections and orphan works.
feesable: #OpenSourceHome Back at base for tug of war: past vs future w/ @elliottbledsoe and @lubistuff
feesable: #OpenSourceHome tug of war, past vs future preamble by @elliottbledsoe and @lubistuff. future won!
feesable: #OpenSourceHome @sayraphim getting started with the visible mending workshop #slowactivism
feesable: #OpenSourceHome getting ready for @elliottbledsoe's talk on the legal ramifications of nomadicy, the history of the commons, property law and how it all relates to digital culture and intellectual property.
feesable: me in HomeJames during #opensourcehome. Photo by Sam Jozeps.
feesable: me in HomeJames during #opensourcehome. Photo by Sam Jozeps.