feesable: so, aldimobile (the cheapest service provider for the highest mobile data i could lay my hands on) apparently didn't bother negotiating international roaming with their provider, telstra, so my AU number doesn't work in UK. this is especially bloody ann
feesable: Ohhhh I'm gonna miss you, semaphore sunsets... #homeJames
feesable: I published the website for a campaign today, a thing that I've basically been working toward for 3yrs. which is cool in itself, but... I did it from my own home, sitting at the top of a hill, overlooking the ocean. now THAT is what #buslife's about. #fu
feesable: morning! looks like another cracker of a day down at the #limestonecoast :) #homeJames
feesable: #savenoracreina who needs a car mount when you've got a tripod and bungee cord?! been driving round Robe area with a video camera today, gathering footage for our short videos for the campaign. now watching a beautiful sunset while the camera (on a diff
feesable: rcws_KingstonSE
feesable: Also found this, a poetic response to my #rbrtOZ pcard invitation by @indigo_eli (and still no bloody sim card...)
feesable: #sunrise #rainbow #todaysoffice #electionday
feesable: #todaysoffice #homeJames
feesable: #water4life16 #limestonecoast #sa #frackoff #homeJames #alwaywasalwayswillbe
feesable: #water4life16 #limestonecoast #frackoff #sa
feesable: #water4life16 #limestonecoast #sa #frackoff #homeJames #lockthegate #alwaywasalwayswillbe
feesable: mornin! what a beautiful sunrise for a fantastic day of creative troublemaking! #water4life16 #sa #homeJames
feesable: and (3) from the other direction #homeJames
feesable: #homeJames whole area, as requested by @eelizard for positioning decision-making (2)
feesable: #homeJames whole area, as requested by @eelizard for positioning decision-making (1)
feesable: new cooker! with grill! but, which way should I have it? gotta drill thru my lovely kitchen surface so only wanna do this once. #homeJames #decisionsdecisions
feesable: #todaysoffice #homeJames - not a bad distraction to all the #artprotagonists actions! #istandwiththearts #ausvotesarts #dontbreakmyart
feesable: sunsets & buses & boats, oh my! #homeJames #buslife #boatlife (just coz you need a better mobile signal than the bush, doesn't mean you've gotta park somewhere dull, does it?!)
feesable: #todaysoffice #rainy #looksabitlikeWales #couldjustbetherain #buslife #bushlife #homeJames
feesable: #homeJames #sunrise #5degrees #fkinfreezin #utterlybeautiful #hotcoffeecoldtoes #buslife #bushlife
feesable: #homeJames + #lighthouses = #truelove
feesable: #homeJames is on a boat again, look! (well, a ferry bridge thing, which is close enough for me!)
feesable: #todaysoffice #homeJames #buslife #hellzyeah #citiesaresolastdecade
feesable: ahhhh, that's better. #homeJames
feesable: new addition to #homeJames' kitchen *grin* #letthefeastingcommence
feesable: #homeJames #solar Had some tech probs (which was sposed to be the easy bit) but finally my superpowered solar rig is working! Currently parked under the shade of a big tree, but still getting 12.9v! Zomfg!
feesable: Blew a 150a fuse in the #solar upgrades process. It's kinda purdy and not sommat you see often, so made it into a broach! #wearingmynerdonmycollar
feesable: Bit tricky to get the best shot of this w/o falling off the front of #homeJames, but after 3yrs4mths of #buslife I finally got to hang out on the roof! How the fk did it take me so long? I didn't wanna get down! Also, how fkin sexy is this view?! #squee #
feesable: #homeJames w/o roofracks; 2 old panels on left against tree; 3 new panels on ground ready to mount on roof racks. 2x120w soon to become 3x250w! Now that's what I call an upgrade! #allthepower #solar #wowzers