feesable: free ice cream from ben & jerry's… delivered by Ben and Jerry!
feesable: Zuccotti Park
feesable: free ice cream from ben & jerry's… delivered by Ben and Jerry!
feesable: combined colours of the United States of America flag, worn as a symbol of unity
feesable: 'revolution generation' sweatshirt
feesable: big fish, little fishes
feesable: actually i found some of the police to be remarkably chilled, even conversational
feesable: LOVED this camera
feesable: more signage
feesable: police cameras
feesable: that 'camera' again
feesable: if i had a job...
feesable: 99%…geek (the media centre)
feesable: that camera… again!
feesable: we do love it...
feesable: sleeping person
feesable: many of the many, few of the few
feesable: zuccotti park
feesable: even the kids are involved
feesable: queue here for theatre
feesable: really frustratingly out of focus. this man was awesome.
feesable: i'm not religious, but i agree entirely
feesable: the revolution might not be being televised, but it's sure as hell being hashtagged #OccupyWallStreet
feesable: old bronze worker joining the protest
feesable: bet his arms hurt later
feesable: work continues overhead
feesable: 9/11 memorial in the local church
feesable: later, down the street, i spot another lilac scarf.
feesable: winter gardens in the financial district
feesable: tourist shot