tearoom: Cobalt blue
tearoom: My Favorite Things
tearoom: Coffee break
tearoom: Early afternoon
tearoom: Hill of flowers
tearoom: Waterway constructed
tearoom: Getting water entrance
tearoom: Conducting tube
tearoom: Spring breeze
tearoom: In the room
tearoom: Trial taking a picture
tearoom: Poppy
tearoom: Sunny spot
tearoom: Osaka Tenmangu Shrine
tearoom: White wall
tearoom: Ogimachi Park
tearoom: Kids park
tearoom: polaroid320 pinhole image3
tearoom: polaroid320 pinhole image2
tearoom: Small bottles of treasure
tearoom: Polaroid pinhole 4
tearoom: Polaroid pinhole 3
tearoom: Polaroid pinhole 2
tearoom: Pinhole Photograph 15