tearapen73: Heavenly toolshed.
tearapen73: through tedguys eyes
tearapen73: where they keep spaceships IV
tearapen73: where they keep spaceships lll
tearapen73: where they keep spaceships ll
tearapen73: where they keep spaceships l
tearapen73: It was a dark and stormy night.Somewhere, in the swamps of the Mississippi,evil is lurking. The burning house of unnatural VanGogh reds and blues, awaits your blood.
tearapen73: my favorite flower ll
tearapen73: dreammask
tearapen73: the surreal shack.
tearapen73: old trap 2 - revisited
tearapen73: soft machines
tearapen73: soft machine
tearapen73: tiny spooky house or photoshop overdose
tearapen73: the "tedguyseyes" building 2
tearapen73: 2 tone shack 1
tearapen73: blue barn
tearapen73: {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}
tearapen73: head shot
tearapen73: It wears her out, it wears her out...
tearapen73: sunday night hyjinks
tearapen73: details of a small town
tearapen73: small town skyscraper
tearapen73: sunday morning coffee
tearapen73: on the side of the road
tearapen73: Waking dreams or hypnogogic (which occur while falling asleep) and hypnopompic (which occur while waking up) hallucinations sometimes occur in the twilight between waking and sleeping.
tearapen73: purple
tearapen73: window shopping