Te Ara: Akaroa cemetery
Te Ara: Hagley Park, 2006
Te Ara: People with their horses at Cheviot in 2006
Te Ara: A farmer handling his Suffolk stud sheep flock at Carew, south-west of Ashburton.
Te Ara: Lifesize model of John Deans at his writing desk is in Deans Cottage, Putaringamotu (Riccarton).
Te Ara: Deans cottage, Riccarton
Te Ara: The Ramsay glacier at the head of the Rakaia River
Te Ara: Remains of a coal mine, Mt Somers
Te Ara: Mt Somers
Te Ara: Rakaia welcome sign
Te Ara: Hutt, Rakaia River
Te Ara: p-10264-enz
Te Ara: Charles Meryon sculpture, Place de la Poste at Akaroa
Te Ara: Little River railway station, Banks Peninsula
Te Ara: Barrys Bay cheese factory, Banks Peninsula
Te Ara: Te Huingi Manu wildlife refuge
Te Ara: Ferrymead 2006
Te Ara: Cave Rock, Sumner Beach
Te Ara: New Brighton pier
Te Ara: The Palms, Shirley
Te Ara: Burwood Hospital
Te Ara: Christchurch Arts Centre
Te Ara: Cathedral Square, Christchurch
Te Ara: Boating on the Avon River, Christchurch
Te Ara: Riccarton House, Christchurch
Te Ara: A Fendalton garden on the Avon River, Christchurch
Te Ara: Merivale shops, Christchurch
Te Ara: Peacock fountain
Te Ara: p-10137-enz
Te Ara: p-10141-enz