Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: #21 Morganza Crevasse Closure using prison labor 1890
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: #8278-1 Morganza Crevasse Closure using prison labor 1890 with description
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1868 - The Mississippi River
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1880 - Early Levee Construction
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1890 View of MR levee above New Orleans
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1890 Morganza Crevasse Closure-Prison Labor~Neg 8278-1
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1890 levee construction by wheelbarrow -Angola prisoners close Morganza Crevasse
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1890 levee construction by wheelbarrow -Angola prisoners close Morganza Crevasse-2
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1891 - levee slope protected with willow mat
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1899 - Sugar Exchange and Sugar Sheds on NO levee
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1900 High river & Board Revetment at Carrolton Bend-3
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1900 High river at Carrolton Bend-2
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1900 strengthening 3rd District Levee
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1900 strengthening 3rd District Levee-2
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1900 High river & Sandbags near Jackson Ave
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1901 - Oyster Luggers at NO levee
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1905 board revetment near North Peter and Flood streets
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1905 board wavewash protection at Algiers Point
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1905 - Mule teams on NO levee
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1908 10-24 Poydras Plantation in St Bernard - Engineers work to avois crevasse
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: 1910 Levee at Baton Rouge Front