Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Major General Michael Walsh welcomes guests at Day of Recognition Ceremony
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Eric Morman on M/V Mississippi at Day of Recognition
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Day of Recognition Ceremony attendees onboard the Motor Vessel Mississippi
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: FOX media covers the Day of Recognition Ceremony
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Tour of HSDRRS IHNC-Lake Borgne Surge Barrier
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Tour of HSDRRS IHNC-Lake Borgne Surge Barrier
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Ceremony attendees tour IHNC-Lake Borgne Surge Barrier
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Honorable Jo Ellen Darcy addresses IHNC Surge Barrier Ceremony attendees
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Tour of HSDRRS IHNC-Lake Borgne Surge Barrier
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Tour of HSDRRS West Closure Complex
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Lt. Gen. (Ret) Van Antwerp speaks at the Day of Recognition Ceremony
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Garret Graves with CPRA speaks at Day of Recognition Ceremony
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Lt. Col. Jerry Sneed talks HSDRRS at Day of Recognition Ceremony
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Mike Park gives overview of IHNC Surge Barrier at Day of Recognition Ceremony
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: MG (RET) Don Riley talks about Corps response to Katrina
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: BG (RET) Robert Crear speaks about Corps response to Katrina at Day of Recognition Ceremony
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Tim Doody talks about Corps response to Hurricane Katrina
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Jerry Sneed and Russel Honoré chat at Day of Recognition Ceremony
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Karen Durham-Aguilera speaks at the Day of Recognition Ceremony
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) receives Certificate of Appreciation
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Small Business Administration receives Certificate of Appreciation
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: SLFPA-E and East Bank Levee Districts receive Certificate of Appreciation
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: SLFPA-W and West Bank Levee Districts receive Certificate of Appreciation
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: District Commander Col Fleming talks about West Closure Complex
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: SLFPA-W President Susan Maclay speaks at Day of Recognition Ceremony
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: MG Grisoli speaks at the Day of Recognition Ceremony
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Award presentation to the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Award presentation to Chicago District