Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Col. Fleming begins the WCC presentation
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Col. Fleming and LTG Van Antwerp
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Col. Fleming explains project features to LTG Van Antwerp
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Col. Fleming explains the sector gate to Assistant Secretary of the Army (ASA) Mrs. JoEllen Darcy
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: MG Grisoli, LTG Van Antwerp, and MG Walsh on top of the pump station at the West Closure Complex
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: MG Grisoli, LTG Van Antwerp, and MG Walsh on top of the pump station at the West Closure Complex
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: MG Grisoli, LTG Van Antwerp, and MG Walsh on top of the pump station at the West Closure Complex
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: ASA Mrs. JoEllen Darcy and Col. Fleming discuss the WCC
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Col. Fleming addresses the media
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: ASA Mrs. JoEllen Darcy addresses the media
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: LTG Van Antwerp addresses media questions