Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Renee Scholl, Operations Division, explains dredging surveys
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Tom Holden addresses the audience
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Col. Fleming addresses the audience
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Col. Fleming and John Hankinson, Executive Director of the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Bobby Hebert with Corps project managers
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Mark Davis, Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Institute on Water Resources Law and Policy, Tulane University, with Kim Taplin, Garrett Wallace, and Carol Wehle
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Ed Creef and Billy Hicks at the Beneficial Use table
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Faye Lachney and Daimia Jackson at the Coastal booth
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Col. Fleming addresses the audience with parish presidents from St. John the Baptist, St. Mary, Lafourche, Terrebonne, and Plaquemines parishes