Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: A tribute to veteran's was held at the Bonnet Carre Spillway featuring a model aircraft show by the Bonnet Carre Spillway Remote Control Club
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Model aircrafts before they were flown.
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Veterans from the Veteran's Home in Reserve, LA came out to attend
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Veteran's greet each other before the event begins
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Veterans look over the program before the event begins
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: USACE Park Ranger Skip Jacobs addresses the audience
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Col. Fleming provides opening remarks
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: The Louisiana National Guard presents the colors
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: The pilots' meeting before the event
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Col. Fleming watches the show with veterans from the Veteran's Home in Reserve, LA
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: The first aircrafts take off
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Col. Fleming greets a veteran during the aircraft show
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: An aircraft before it was flown
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: Col. Fleming greets a veteran during the aircraft show
Team New Orleans, US Army Corps of Engineers: LDP Tier II volunteered for the event