teammoonshine: having deliciousness at veselka
teammoonshine: lovely (but blurry) kate
teammoonshine: oh yeah? how close?
teammoonshine: roosevelt island
teammoonshine: the mitzvah tank!
teammoonshine: columbus circle, december 2006
teammoonshine: you know, they would't put that there unless people were actually stealing these . . .
teammoonshine: this is what happens when you try to buy tofurkey on the day before thanksgiving
teammoonshine: somewhere in midtown, a samurai is missing a sword
teammoonshine: mets win game 2, nlds, october 2006
teammoonshine: the crane wife is coming!
teammoonshine: sketchy subway
teammoonshine: mr. met says "no smoking!"
teammoonshine: waiter, i would like 15 pounds of bok choy and a glass of water
teammoonshine: how to drive a subway train
teammoonshine: come on in!
teammoonshine: so long, central park cafe
teammoonshine: houston street pony
teammoonshine: chelsea church flower
teammoonshine: a.d. 1911
teammoonshine: park drive is closed
teammoonshine: kristen in the snow
teammoonshine: central park reservoir, in the blizzard of 2004
teammoonshine: riot city blues
teammoonshine: "operation heat rescue" at hudson guild
teammoonshine: chelsea row house
teammoonshine: early morning, upper west side
teammoonshine: midtown from 10th avenue
teammoonshine: let's go mets!
teammoonshine: streetlights