John Kittelsrud: Prop that I built for The Strand
John Kittelsrud: Prop that I built for The Strand
John Kittelsrud: Prop that I built for The Strand
John Kittelsrud: Prop that I built for The Strand
John Kittelsrud: Prop that I built for The Strand
John Kittelsrud: Prop that I built for The Strand
John Kittelsrud: Prop that I built for The Strand
John Kittelsrud: Prop that I built for The Strand
John Kittelsrud: Prop that I built for The Strand
John Kittelsrud: Prop that I built for The Strand
John Kittelsrud: Prop that I built for The Strand
John Kittelsrud: Prop that I built for The Strand
John Kittelsrud: 3D Anaglyphs from the 2012 Phoenic Comicon
John Kittelsrud: 3D Anaglyphs from the 2012 Phoenic Comicon