Teale Britstra:
Royal Spoonbills in flight
Teale Britstra:
Straw Necked Ibis
Teale Britstra:
Flock of Royal Spoonbill
Teale Britstra:
Royal Spoonbill - Oxley Creek Common
Teale Britstra:
Australian White Ibis
Teale Britstra:
Royal Spoonbill
Teale Britstra:
Royal Spoonbill
Teale Britstra:
Royal Spoonbill
Teale Britstra:
Flock of Ibis
Teale Britstra:
Excuse me!
Teale Britstra:
Eye-bis (B/w)
Teale Britstra:
Australian White Ibis
Teale Britstra:
Australian White Ibis
Teale Britstra:
Straw-necked Ibis
Teale Britstra:
Straw-necked Ibis
Teale Britstra:
Australian White Ibis.