Teale Britstra: Barking Owl Preening
Teale Britstra: Barking Owl
Teale Britstra: Barking Owl with Prey
Teale Britstra: Southern Boobook
Teale Britstra: Southern Boobook Owl
Teale Britstra: Barking Owls - Reg Tanna Park.
Teale Britstra: Barking Owl
Teale Britstra: Powerful Owl
Teale Britstra: Powerful Owl
Teale Britstra: Powerful Owl
Teale Britstra: Powerful Owl
Teale Britstra: Mouse? What mouse?
Teale Britstra: Elmo, the overly-dramatic Barking Owl
Teale Britstra: Elmo, the overly-dramatic Barking Owl
Teale Britstra: Barking Owl
Teale Britstra: Mail time!
Teale Britstra: Milo the Bashful Barn Owl
Teale Britstra: Milo the Bashful Barn Owl 2
Teale Britstra: Barn Owl
Teale Britstra: And you woke me for...?
Teale Britstra: Barking Owls_Tondoon_24112016
Teale Britstra: Barking Owl_Tondoon_24112016
Teale Britstra: boobook_Tondoon_29102016
Teale Britstra: Southern Boobook Owl_Tondoon_26012017