tea..: Timothy with a seashell
tea..: Taking photos on safari
tea..: Lion!
tea..: Dreads happen in Tanzania
tea..: Hiking to the waterfall
tea..: Chicken Kid in Africa
tea..: Orientation
tea..: Roommate
tea..: Adam and Sarah
tea..: Srs camping/safari-ing
tea..: HUGE beetle
tea..: Mt Meru
tea..: Safari land reqs high fashion
tea..: Only the best van ever
tea..: Hippos. yes hippos.
tea..: Our side of the 3 roomed house
tea..: Testing day in Manyire!
tea..: Motorcycle/pikipiki accident
tea..: Vacation ended too soon
tea..: Learning distraction
tea..: Yvonne and I on our last day
tea..: Our "courtyard"
tea..: Manyire Primary