Zip Dog Adventures SF: sleeping cuties
Zip Dog Adventures SF: ACC puppy time!
Zip Dog Adventures SF: You looking at me?
Zip Dog Adventures SF: ahhhh!! sleeping puppy!!!
Zip Dog Adventures SF: pile o puppies
Zip Dog Adventures SF: yeah Indie! paisley, blanca and trucker
Zip Dog Adventures SF: paisley and indie
Zip Dog Adventures SF: indie paisley blanca and trucker
Zip Dog Adventures SF: blanca finding a shady spot
Zip Dog Adventures SF: indie and trucker on super dog trails!
Zip Dog Adventures SF: blanca and paisley
Zip Dog Adventures SF: indie and trucker
Zip Dog Adventures SF: Super Dog Trails with trucker, Indie and Paisley
Zip Dog Adventures SF: paisley and blanca
Zip Dog Adventures SF: paisley indie and blanca
Zip Dog Adventures SF: blanca and indie
Zip Dog Adventures SF: miss paisley
Zip Dog Adventures SF: another little fella at ACC - is your heart melting?
Zip Dog Adventures SF: lola jasper luna
Zip Dog Adventures SF: jasper running at speed of light, bronx and archie in background
Zip Dog Adventures SF: luna bear!!!
Zip Dog Adventures SF: the patented "Jasper Saunter"
Zip Dog Adventures SF: oh bronx and archie!
Zip Dog Adventures SF: soaking bronx and archie