teacup mosaics:
Lovely Lily
teacup mosaics:
The Whisper of Beauty
teacup mosaics:
Magical Bleeding Hearts
teacup mosaics:
Red Rose Romance
teacup mosaics:
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. ~Abraham Lincoln
teacup mosaics:
Star-spangled happiness
teacup mosaics:
The Garden is Set for a Tea Party
teacup mosaics:
Flower Blossom Tea
teacup mosaics:
Put a Little Purple Passion in Your Life
teacup mosaics:
Pink Trumpet Flower
teacup mosaics:
Happy Orchids
teacup mosaics:
Pink Vine on a White Picket fence
teacup mosaics:
HOT pink
teacup mosaics:
Tiny Pink
teacup mosaics:
A Lovely Mandavilla
teacup mosaics:
Flowers whisper "Beauty!" to the world, even as they fade, wilt, fall. ~Dr. SunWolf
teacup mosaics:
My Garden is a Happy Place
teacup mosaics:
Would you like a cup of Magic Tea?
teacup mosaics:
Flowers at the Farmers Market