CozCoz: Castle and Thistle
CozCoz: Gull
CozCoz: Impatient for icecream
CozCoz: And they're off
CozCoz: Mmmm
CozCoz: Icecream
CozCoz: Pretending to be a tourist... by taking pictures of a fountain
CozCoz: Icecream Before
CozCoz: Icecream After
CozCoz: View from the grass
CozCoz: Sunbathing
CozCoz: Sun
CozCoz: Get outta ma face
CozCoz: Looking back down to Prince's Street Gardens
CozCoz: Summer
CozCoz: Barbequed Tuna. Mmm.
CozCoz: Ommmmmmmmmmm
CozCoz: Putting it out
CozCoz: Vodka number one
CozCoz: Girls with long limbs
CozCoz: You Dancer
CozCoz: The girl who cannot help but be cute
CozCoz: Stop talking Corrinne, look over there
CozCoz: Drunk much?
CozCoz: Presenting: The Sunburn
CozCoz: In My Face
CozCoz: Just a second
CozCoz: No. More. Exams. Ever.
CozCoz: Stu and Ali