TEACHER E: This extremely clean black cat decided to chill on the floor outside
TEACHER E: Ferris Wheel
TEACHER E: P1190775
TEACHER E: Osaka Aquarium
TEACHER E: Otter family
TEACHER E: Many little fishies in the pond of 'Japan Forest'
TEACHER E: Odd couple
TEACHER E: P1000686
TEACHER E: Hey wassup guys?
TEACHER E: Curly and Moe
TEACHER E: Little one
TEACHER E: Penguin sex?
TEACHER E: Penguins playin
TEACHER E: Penguins and me
TEACHER E: Try to count em all!
TEACHER E: P1000712
TEACHER E: Takin' it easy
TEACHER E: Octopus chillin at the bottom
TEACHER E: the Awesome manta ray
TEACHER E: Swoopin in
TEACHER E: Sillhouette de Aquarium
TEACHER E: This one is 'Iggy'
TEACHER E: I call this one 'Louis'
TEACHER E: Traffic jam
TEACHER E: Seals @ Osaka Aquarium
TEACHER E: P1190812
TEACHER E: High Speed Fish Rail
TEACHER E: Ground level of the Pacific Tank