Teacake: and again in the sunlight.jpg
Teacake: another picture of something scenic.jpg
Teacake: it's that memorable hat again.jpg
Teacake: a horse.jpg
Teacake: our walk leader again.jpg
Teacake: evidence of falling in mud.jpg
Teacake: sheep.jpg
Teacake: another path beside water.jpg
Teacake: off the path.jpg
Teacake: a narrow path.jpg
Teacake: a view involving some water and rocks.jpg
Teacake: more arrive.jpg
Teacake: people eating crisps.jpg
Teacake: guinea pigs.jpg
Teacake: blah blah.jpg
Teacake: the hat has some hot chocolate.jpg
Teacake: stopping for tea.jpg
Teacake: and again, for some reason.jpg
Teacake: leafy path.jpg
Teacake: and again from a different direction.jpg
Teacake: nearing the end I think....jpg
Teacake: and so on.jpg
Teacake: map reading.jpg
Teacake: colourful landscape.jpg
Teacake: patting a horse.jpg
Teacake: some alpacas.jpg
Teacake: walking up a hill.jpg
Teacake: and find chairs.jpg
Teacake: another picture of our walk leader.jpg
Teacake: a walker rides a large guinea pig.jpg