TeaButterfly: Beautiful abstract desktop wallpaper - via apartment therapy blog
TeaButterfly: 8487549649_ef071a2f8d_m
TeaButterfly: Wishlist a photography book to buy - and display - artwork by Sally Mann
TeaButterfly: geometric_stamp_pattern
TeaButterfly: Geometric products - coasters? - designed by the Rockman and Rockman team
TeaButterfly: Another beautiful abstract desktop wallpaper.
TeaButterfly: Love this wise motto graffiti commonly found in American streets. Beautiful original photograph by Victoria Smith, of sfgirlbybay blog fame.
TeaButterfly: live_work_create
TeaButterfly: nabokov_butterfly3
TeaButterfly: live_life_imagined
TeaButterfly: pendat-lamp_spiky
TeaButterfly: estampe de Sonia Delaunay
TeaButterfly: galerie minimaliste