quirky girl:
Keith works the camera
quirky girl:
celebrating a good shot
quirky girl:
Rey and Mike waiting for the ball
quirky girl:
quirky girl:
working a cupcake
quirky girl:
Dave and Hui
quirky girl:
not ready for my closeup
quirky girl:
Vanessa and Pam
quirky girl:
enjoying his RK treat
quirky girl:
Dee getting Vanessa's booty
quirky girl:
Dee kicking Keith's butt at air hockey
quirky girl:
the look of concentration as he tries to win
quirky girl:
Keith rides the motorcycle
quirky girl:
Dee takes on Mike
quirky girl:
Charlie's Angels
quirky girl:
Dee and Mike
quirky girl:
Keith shows off his new accessories
quirky girl:
me not feeling so good
quirky girl:
Vanessa goes for it!