MRL 390: Librarian
MRL 390: Lush
MRL 390: Stinkin Lincoln
MRL 390: Slow Elk
MRL 390: Praise Thee!
MRL 390: Eagle Perched
MRL 390: Dejected
MRL 390: Can't wait...
MRL 390: Scrub that Asstek
MRL 390: The best its ever looked
MRL 390: The Beast
MRL 390: Wannabe Sasquatch?
MRL 390: Nancy in a tree
MRL 390: Lime Nuggets
MRL 390: Nebraska Thunderstorm
MRL 390: Route 66 Motel
MRL 390: Graffiti
MRL 390: Old farm equipment
MRL 390: Broken glass
MRL 390: My angels
MRL 390: Snake in the river
MRL 390: No words
MRL 390: FJ Tent
MRL 390: 16 Mile Creek
MRL 390: Above the Animas
MRL 390: Animas Orange
MRL 390: Closed, but not forgotten
MRL 390: Watching you
MRL 390: Sheep Canyon Blue Light
MRL 390: Wide and remote