tctyin: One of the parent bald eagles
tctyin: One of the parent bald eagles
tctyin: Relaxing in the water
tctyin: Loon
tctyin: Video of a pair of loons calling back and forth (tremolo)
tctyin: Bald eaglet in a tree
tctyin: Eating dinner with a bald eaglet
tctyin: Bald eaglet and the rising moon
tctyin: Sunset over a pair of loons
tctyin: Fly me to the moon: bald eaglet flying across the moon
tctyin: Fly me to the moon
tctyin: Slow motion video of bald eaglet (at 20% speed)
tctyin: Bald eaglet waiting not so patiently
tctyin: Checking out what's below
tctyin: Loon pair
tctyin: Pair of loons
tctyin: Maple directing the purple loosestrife operation
tctyin: Note great blue heron in the back
tctyin: Kayaking
tctyin: Great blue heron
tctyin: LR-1310497
tctyin: LR-1310504
tctyin: LR-1310505
tctyin: LR-1310506
tctyin: Common loon rearing up
tctyin: Common loon rearing up
tctyin: Common loon rearing up
tctyin: Common loon rearing up
tctyin: Laura with her lunker