tctyin: Hungry wren chicks
tctyin: Dinnertime at the wren house
tctyin: Dinnertime at the wren house
tctyin: Downy woodpecker at the suet feeder on a snowy day
tctyin: Red-bellied woodpecker at the suet feeder
tctyin: Great egret
tctyin: Great egret ready for takeoff....
tctyin: Hungry chicks
tctyin: Osprey
tctyin: Turkey vulture
tctyin: Osprey
tctyin: Great egret
tctyin: Great egret
tctyin: Great blue heron
tctyin: Jabiru posing for picture
tctyin: Sandhill cranes
tctyin: Herd of sandhill cranes
tctyin: Jabiru fishing
tctyin: Great blue heron
tctyin: Great blue heron
tctyin: Sandhill crane closeup
tctyin: redtailed hawk
tctyin: Binocular vision (04000)
tctyin: sandhill cranes
tctyin: great blue heron
tctyin: Takeoff!!
tctyin: Announcing an unusual four-winged sandhill crane!
tctyin: sandhill cranes
tctyin: Red-tailed hawk mantling behavior
tctyin: Red-tailed hawk eyeass