austr07: A Babylon Gaggle
austr07: Platalea
austr07: Chestnut-breasted Mannikin.
austr07: Chestnut-breasted Mannikin.
austr07: Brolgas
austr07: Brolga
austr07: Great Bower bird
austr07: Life on the billabong
austr07: Skein
austr07: Great bower bird
austr07: Great bower bird 2
austr07: Great bower bird 4
austr07: Great bower bird 3
austr07: Pecking order
austr07: Jabiru and friends
austr07: Reflecting
austr07: Brolga
austr07: Flight of Brolga
austr07: Lets go
austr07: White Breasted Sea Eagle
austr07: Stilts
austr07: Stilts
austr07: The Red-tailed Black Cockatoo
austr07: The early bird catches the worm.
austr07: A Crimson Finches tale of love at Fogg Dam
austr07: Royal Spoonbill (latalea regia)
austr07: The gathering
austr07: Magpie Geese
austr07: No r egrets
austr07: Cormorant