austr07: Sunrise Under the Erskine Bridge
austr07: Embracing and dancing in the calmness
austr07: The start of the day
austr07: Laratinga mist
austr07: Remnants of a maritime era.
austr07: Divided light in C minor
austr07: Willunga pastels
austr07: On golden ponds
austr07: Earth wood and sky
austr07: Shifting landscape
austr07: Three goes into two
austr07: Oranges and Lemons
austr07: The big reign of 63 years and seven months
austr07: Your (not) so vane
austr07: In search of the Golden fleece
austr07: Between yellow and red on the spectrum of visible light
austr07: Pastel sky
austr07: Crepuscular rays and contrails
austr07: Grass castles
austr07: Cloudscape
austr07: Wave of heat
austr07: Stop on red signal
austr07: Golden fleece
austr07: “Everyone should experience a sunrise at least once a day.” – Phil Dunphy
austr07: Low beam sunrise
austr07: Converging lines
austr07: Valleys of green
austr07: Bonney sunrise
austr07: Contre-jour
austr07: Last rays