Tibby is finally back!: Life is full of difficult choices...
Tibby is finally back!: From me to you
Tibby is finally back!: Sniff sniff!!
Tibby is finally back!: Sacha grooming
Tibby is finally back!: Sacha! Sorry about deleting the other picture =\
Tibby is finally back!: Sacha... any better?
Tibby is finally back!: And down we go!
Tibby is finally back!: Cat Eye Macro [modified]
Tibby is finally back!: Sacha's profile
Tibby is finally back!: BAD PICS but still shows our little furry family [best viewed Full-Size]
Tibby is finally back!: "Get out of the way... can't you see I need some space to crawl through?"
Tibby is finally back!: Guess who's back?? :))
Tibby is finally back!: 10/365: Check out my freckles!
Tibby is finally back!: I don't want him to go :( [explore #256!]
Tibby is finally back!: Gotta... reach... nose! [explore #317!]
Tibby is finally back!: Food? Where?! [explore #301!]
Tibby is finally back!: [must watch!] Sacha's little trick :)
Tibby is finally back!: Good news & bad news
Tibby is finally back!: Things aren't going well for our little hunter :(
Tibby is finally back!: Unhappy Bokeh Tuesday :(
Tibby is finally back!: Mr Kitteh is doing much bettah :]
Tibby is finally back!: I wonder when all that snow got here.