Tibby is finally back!: I know it's not nice to invade other people's privacy...
Tibby is finally back!: G'day maaaate!
Tibby is finally back!: 'till next time!
Tibby is finally back!: Little beady eyes!
Tibby is finally back!: Stop to smell each flower... (2)
Tibby is finally back!: Fly, fly, don't fly away!
Tibby is finally back!: Swept away...
Tibby is finally back!: Well, how's ya doin' mate!
Tibby is finally back!: Fly with many lives 3
Tibby is finally back!: Fly with many lives
Tibby is finally back!: Fly with many lives 2
Tibby is finally back!: the closest I've ever gotten to a wasp!
Tibby is finally back!: Another try at a wasp picture
Tibby is finally back!: Spooky Spider
Tibby is finally back!: Yet another ladybug picture...
Tibby is finally back!: Ladybug again (I prefer the other pic though)
Tibby is finally back!: Go greeeeeeeenn!
Tibby is finally back!: Couldn't resist one last picture. - Explored! :)
Tibby is finally back!: Meet Johnny...
Tibby is finally back!: Walking on fire...
Tibby is finally back!: 19/365: I managed to get up close :)
Tibby is finally back!: First taste of HDR!