tcrawford74: In search of dinner
tcrawford74: Pollination
tcrawford74: Second Chance
tcrawford74: Checking out the feeder
tcrawford74: Migration
tcrawford74: Downy (Picoides Pubescens)
tcrawford74: Eastern Kingbird??
tcrawford74: On the Hunt
tcrawford74: Nuthatch (Sitta Carolinensis)
tcrawford74: The sweetness of clover
tcrawford74: Wintering Robin
tcrawford74: Secret Communications
tcrawford74: Battle of the Feeder
tcrawford74: Indigo Bunting
tcrawford74: Purple Finch
tcrawford74: Osprey
tcrawford74: Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla Cedrorum)
tcrawford74: Cedar Wax Wings
tcrawford74: Tasty mayflies
tcrawford74: Mirror Image
tcrawford74: Sweet Song
tcrawford74: Female Rose Breasted Grosbeak
tcrawford74: Seeking Cover
tcrawford74: Cedar Waxwings (Bombcilla Cedrorum)
tcrawford74: Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe)