TCR4x4: This is my Nikon, they are many like it, but this one is mine....
TCR4x4: White
TCR4x4: Got to tale Sebbe to the vets in a minute. A quick brush first though
TCR4x4: Weeping tree
TCR4x4: Orange flowers
TCR4x4: Tree
TCR4x4: 20
TCR4x4: Sur mixalot
TCR4x4: Cloud lines
TCR4x4: Our quail
TCR4x4: Light and wood
TCR4x4: Broken
TCR4x4: Flower
TCR4x4: DSC_9749
TCR4x4: Hot choc
TCR4x4: Good morning IG!
TCR4x4: Grapes
TCR4x4: Yet more flowers
TCR4x4: More flowers
TCR4x4: Flower through the iPhone
TCR4x4: Chimping
TCR4x4: The sound of music
TCR4x4: Plant
TCR4x4: A little experiment. I have over 4000 followers. How many likes can I get? Go on, like this and see how high we can get!!
TCR4x4: Watching
TCR4x4: Bit of abstract for bedtime
TCR4x4: Strawberry
TCR4x4: Mmm toasty warm
TCR4x4: Fire tools