Tom Clifton: Western bluebird pair
Tom Clifton: Male western bluebird
Tom Clifton: Female western blue bird
Tom Clifton: Russ hails me.
Tom Clifton: Back lit oak leaf.
Tom Clifton: Acorn Woodpecker grannery
Tom Clifton: Oak leaf in relief
Tom Clifton: California Buckeyes
Tom Clifton: Pine cones doing their job.
Tom Clifton: Just another rock shot.
Tom Clifton: The climb out.
Tom Clifton: End of a Stellars Jay
Tom Clifton: Blue schist?
Tom Clifton: Yellow-rumped warbler
Tom Clifton: Lunch time
Tom Clifton: Manzanita
Tom Clifton: Pine cones on the trail
Tom Clifton: Indian paintbrush and oak leaves
Tom Clifton: California Towhee
Tom Clifton: Our fearless leader
Tom Clifton: One big mistletoe
Tom Clifton: Trying to get mistletoe to work
Tom Clifton: Bedded Sandstones