tchelseat: Alien Zak invades flan
tchelseat: Zak and Chelsea New Year's Eve 1999 ?
tchelseat: Ty and Chelsea ca. 2002
tchelseat: TCHS high school marching band
tchelseat: Dinner party ca. 1999
tchelseat: Posing with namesake
tchelseat: High school band trip!
tchelseat: Aaron, Susie, Chelsea, and Dave enduring freshman music theory
tchelseat: Chelsea and Dave enduring marching band
tchelseat: Chelsea and Dave dancing in a suburban Chicago train station
tchelseat: Dave and Chelsea squished in the bed of Gena's truck
tchelseat: Chelsea with chocolate mouth
tchelseat: Oh. So. Windy. Chicago.
tchelseat: Hammin' up since 1979
tchelseat: I like bathing!
tchelseat: Chelsea and her Todd ca. 1998
tchelseat: Prom '96
tchelseat: Chelsea and Mike ca. 1997
tchelseat: Chelsea the Kid
tchelseat: Chelsea hiding behind blanket and gut
tchelseat: Band camp memories
tchelseat: Reflection by Calvin Klein
tchelseat: Betsy Ross and Denise Austin
tchelseat: Baby Amber!
tchelseat: Old School!
tchelseat: Super serious
tchelseat: Band banquet 1997
tchelseat: Chelsea and Whitney
tchelseat: Oh, high school!
tchelseat: Halloween TTU Orchestra concert 2001(?)