tcd123usa: PCNconf3
tcd123usa: looking through the ceiling girders of the Sugar Bowl
tcd123usa: decorative apples inside Bartram House
tcd123usa: a groundhog in the morning sunshine
tcd123usa: Red Bellied Woodpecker
tcd123usa: L1030384
tcd123usa: urban farm tomato
tcd123usa: orange rose
tcd123usa: A Black Capped Night Heron looks alertly toward movent in the water
tcd123usa: Lady Bug
tcd123usa: flower center at Gibraltar Garden
tcd123usa: False Hellibore
tcd123usa: the Londoners
tcd123usa: terrestrial sun
tcd123usa: colors and textures of autumn
tcd123usa: still sticking to her like glue
tcd123usa: in the penumbra
tcd123usa: siblings on their front porch
tcd123usa: Gosling_2
tcd123usa: peek a boo
tcd123usa: mama Mallard in all her splendor
tcd123usa: l'artiste
tcd123usa: Obama supporters
tcd123usa: a proud Scotsman
tcd123usa: Griff
tcd123usa: tight rope walker
tcd123usa: adrift
tcd123usa: sunshine iconified
tcd123usa: Hi!
tcd123usa: jaw breaker