tcd123usa: Title Slide for London set
tcd123usa: DSCF2437
tcd123usa: Cyril Mansions
tcd123usa: he has such a long stretch
tcd123usa: DSCF2433
tcd123usa: albert_bridge
tcd123usa: DSCF2435
tcd123usa: open_air_market
tcd123usa: London's double decker buses
tcd123usa: market on Northcote Street, London
tcd123usa: saint_lukes_church
tcd123usa: DSCF2529
tcd123usa: the London Eye
tcd123usa: parliament_big_ben
tcd123usa: the Thames before sunset
tcd123usa: red and gold bridge over Thames
tcd123usa: the millenial bridge crossing the Thames
tcd123usa: Tate Modern Art Museum
tcd123usa: Tate_Modern1
tcd123usa: Tate_Modern2
tcd123usa: entry_National_Gallery_London
tcd123usa: DSCF2414
tcd123usa: DSCF2424
tcd123usa: transition_slide
tcd123usa: Gare du Nord
tcd123usa: des_closeries_tom_alice
tcd123usa: a street in Paris
tcd123usa: view from a Parisian flat
tcd123usa: a hint of Spring
tcd123usa: Palace of Luxembourg