Schlingshot Photography: Southern Swells
Schlingshot Photography: West Coast Cliffs
romangjonathan: Beautiful Sunset
tehi75: Carmorant fisherman, end of day. Lijiang, Guilin
nikon peeper: What difference does it make?
Lance P Cridge: fun with shutters
Gian Paolo Chiesi: Praia das Catedrais sunset
Ben L. Stupavsky: Sceloporus grammicus
Ben L. Stupavsky: Tabanus lineola - Striped Horsefly
Ben L. Stupavsky: Crotaphytus collaris - Eastern Collared Lizard
vincze.bela: All-weather
vincze.bela: Perfect rhombic dodecahedron almandine and andradit (Gránát-forrás, Nagybörzsöny)
carlos7omar: 50/365
navidbaraty: Intersection | NYC
navidbaraty: Intersection | Hong Kong
Head_ West: a bed for hypnos
Head_ West: wishbone
Head_ West: gunpowder
Head_ West: gallop
Head_ West: back burner
Head_ West: hitchhiker
Martin Häfeli Photography: Husemersee in der Morgendämmerung
Martin Häfeli Photography: Einkaufszentrum/Shoppingmall Rosenberg