Travis Isaacs: Out for a drive
Travis Isaacs: Play date
Travis Isaacs: There is never anything good on tv anymore
Travis Isaacs: Showing Sasha her new place to sleep
Travis Isaacs: DSCF0356
Travis Isaacs: DSCF0355
Travis Isaacs: Sasha's scary ride to her new home
Travis Isaacs: She's cute
Travis Isaacs: Such ferocity
Travis Isaacs: Out for some lunch
Travis Isaacs: That's my dog
Travis Isaacs: I'm lookin' at ya
Travis Isaacs: Don't look at me
Travis Isaacs: IMG_1011
Travis Isaacs: get it
Travis Isaacs: photo.jpg
Travis Isaacs: Not a fan of storms.
Travis Isaacs: Nose.
Travis Isaacs: Are you done working yet?
Travis Isaacs: Ready for take off
Travis Isaacs: DO NOT WANT
Travis Isaacs: The challenge of working from home
Travis Isaacs: Lazy day
Travis Isaacs: 07-15-07_1510.jpg
Travis Isaacs: P1000989.JPG