Taylor`s World:
taylor x 4 on fire?
Taylor`s World:
taylor on fire
Taylor`s World:
taylors film
Taylor`s World:
taylor bad breath
Taylor`s World:
Taylor`s World:
so dear wolf now tell me the true story of the redcap ....
Taylor`s World:
Taylor`s World:
oh yes, ginger should be removed from the frame fall...
Taylor`s World:
taylor can play the piano at the flowers grow, how beautiful \O/
Taylor`s World:
ooops schmatz...
Taylor`s World:
where is the bunny?
Taylor`s World:
its barbie time \O/ or ken time? hmmmmm....
Taylor`s World:
grrrmp, i do a stinkbomb...
Taylor`s World:
ÖÖÖhm TA, TA, gin gin the doppel mops \O/
Taylor`s World:
looks at me not so angry at, so
Taylor`s World:
aaaahhhhhh the gummi bear kidnapped me
Taylor`s World:
NA Ikke och ;-)
Taylor`s World:
Taylor`s World:
I´m a prinz!!! JAHA!!!
Taylor`s World:
horror lesen bildet
Taylor`s World:
aaaaaaaaall miiiiiiine, mine, mine...
Taylor`s World:
no we are not dead...but we play only
Taylor`s World:
Taylor`s World:
dance baby dance
Taylor`s World:
what i tell you always wanted: blabalbalblubblubblablubidibalblablub...
Taylor`s World:
Taylor`s World:
eeeej, look away...yes i mean YOU!!! ;P
Taylor`s World:
taylor vs taylor
Taylor`s World:
mpaps is actually an angel? I think sometimes...
Taylor`s World:
taylor with his camera öööhm the camera with her taylor?