taylormaide: Details #tinymuseum #gouache
taylormaide: fall inspired
taylormaide: Vision board detail #rbphomeretreat
taylormaide: "A women is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture amd transform." - Diane Mariechild #gouache
taylormaide: Inspired (and focused) by @stargardener prompt download. Gathering options for a vision board. #rbphomeretreat #gluebooksaturday
taylormaide: One word #rbpseptember #gluebooksaturday
taylormaide: #septgluebookparty was so fun. Always a favorite #artistdate for me
taylormaide: New directions prompt #septgluebookparty
taylormaide: (One word) Envision #rbpseptember #septgluebookparty
taylormaide: "What is art? ... It's a way to make meaning and live large." - Cat Bennett #gluebooksaturday
taylormaide: collage
taylormaide: collage
taylormaide: White ink #drawyourwords #100DaysofVisualJournaling #the100dayproject
taylormaide: Left out a letter and the whole page is unside down. Let's just call them experiments. #drawyourwords #100DaysofVisualJournaling #the100dayproject
taylormaide: Brush drawn letters inspired by #drawyourwords. "What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly" - Laozi #100DaysofVisualJournaling #the100dayproject
taylormaide: Pink Page
taylormaide: #100DaysofVisualJournaling #the100dayproject
taylormaide: Creative little space #100DaysofVisualJournaling #the100dayproject
taylormaide: Change #100DaysofVisualJournaling #the100dayproject
taylormaide: Now comes the fun part #100DaysofVisualJournaling #the100dayproject
taylormaide: #100DaysofVisualJournaling #the100dayproject
taylormaide: #100DaysofVisualJournaling #the100dayproject
taylormaide: #100DaysofVisualJournaling #the100dayproject
taylormaide: We're going places. #100DaysofVisualJournaling #the100dayproject
taylormaide: Week 18: Edit #myrbp #100DaysofVisualJournaling #the100dayproject
taylormaide: Wrapping up tonight's #maygluebookparty with many thanks to @fruitnseason and friends. I always look forward to the first Saturday night of the month. ✂ ❤
taylormaide: Sedona colors prompt. #maygluebookparty
taylormaide: Cause I just love spring. #maygluebookparty