taylorishere: Taylor emerges from the sewer
taylorishere: Taylor and Nathan can't find the rebels
taylorishere: Hey. A camera!
taylorishere: That's the feeling of authority
taylorishere: Backstage at Urinetown in full dress
taylorishere: Taylor prepares to attack
taylorishere: Chris and Taylor and corruption
taylorishere: Nathan and Taylor as cops
taylorishere: Cop song
taylorishere: Taylor's a cop
taylorishere: Nathan and Tay Wide
taylorishere: Nathan and Tay
taylorishere: The Cops Attack!
taylorishere: The Full Coppy
taylorishere: Cop Sizzle
taylorishere: More copzilla
taylorishere: Nathan and Taylor
taylorishere: Cops do the Juggle
taylorishere: The cops split
taylorishere: Nathan, Sarah, and Taylor
taylorishere: Taylor and Nathan