Rolyataylor: 1/Feeling Effects
Rolyataylor: 2/The Moon vs. The World
Rolyataylor: 3/She Comes From the Place Where They Hug
Rolyataylor: 4/He Looks More Like Me Than I Do
Rolyataylor: 5/Hypnagogia
Rolyataylor: 6/I Miss Science
Rolyataylor: 7/You're as Blind as a Batman
Rolyataylor: 9/The Day Without His Camera
Rolyataylor: 8/Vegan Cream
Rolyataylor: 10/What If We Never Cleaned or Learned
Rolyataylor: 11/Hypnotizing Hipsters
Rolyataylor: 12/Hippocampus Hypocrite
Rolyataylor: 13/Hope
Rolyataylor: 14/I'll let it trickle out, eventually
Rolyataylor: 15/The Wall
Rolyataylor: 16/Spilling Out Like an Overgrown Equation
Rolyataylor: 17/See the lies? They're dying, again
Rolyataylor: 18/Series of Right Angles to the Angels
Rolyataylor: 19/You really think you make 'em?
Rolyataylor: 20/Simple Random Sample
Rolyataylor: 21/Love, In a Timeline
Rolyataylor: 22/Chiaroscuro Total
Rolyataylor: 23/Blue, 'Cause If He Was Green He Would Die
Rolyataylor: 24/Forever in 30 Seconds
Rolyataylor: 25/Negative Bearer
Rolyataylor: 26/Quilted Faces
Rolyataylor: 27/A Geometric Series of Unfortunate Events
Rolyataylor: 28/Sleepy Eyes Slowly Open
Rolyataylor: 87/Portrait of an Old Woman
Rolyataylor: 88/Pile of Pity