Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
sunshine on a dreary day
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
for all you Falcons fans!
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Native sunflower
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
brown-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia triloba)
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Hearts A-Burstin' (Euonymus americanus)
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
garlic chives
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
"music of the ground"
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
rooster in the garden
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Hiding in the onions
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
marigold - brighter you glow...
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
kitchen tchotchke on window ledge
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
vintage multiflora rose
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Happy 54th Earth Day!
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Oriental False Hawksbeard
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
English bluebells
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Burlington (NC) historic depot
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
plants in waiting...
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
tiger lily
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Days of wine and carnations...
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
sun drenched magnolia seed pod in winter
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
a bit of drama, you say?
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Still Life: Autumn Collage
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Violinist from the Band of Bones
Teresa - TAWPhotoArtistry:
Autumn Berries