tawmas: inter/face
tawmas: Spring kiss
tawmas: The handshake
tawmas: Town police
tawmas: Noir
tawmas: In and out of the shadows
tawmas: These boots are made for walkin'
tawmas: Crossing
tawmas: Stand there for a picture! No, dad!
tawmas: Bulgari
tawmas: Orthogonal blues
tawmas: As we go...
tawmas: Scattered
tawmas: Walking against the sun
tawmas: Look to the right
tawmas: Walking in the crowd
tawmas: Guarding his ladies
tawmas: Old times
tawmas: Sharing
tawmas: One vs two
tawmas: Guys with sunglasses
tawmas: Literary kiss
tawmas: [street untitled V]
tawmas: Sitting down
tawmas: Caricature
tawmas: Public security
tawmas: [street untitled IV]
tawmas: [street untitled III]
tawmas: The emerging photographer
tawmas: [street untitled II]