Tavie: Mom touching slipper, 1994
Tavie: Me touching slipper, 1994
Tavie: This is the person I think of now when I touch the slipper. It's a spot we've infused with real magic over the years. (Mom, 2011)
Tavie: You gotta touch the slipper when you go to #WDW with me, and think of those who can't be there with you.
Tavie: Lucy touches slipper
Tavie: Tavie touches slipper 2015
Tavie: Steph and Brit touch slipper
Tavie: Tavie, Rachel and Nonna touch the slipper
Tavie: Rachel and Steph touch the slipper
Tavie: Rachel touches the slipper!
Tavie: WDW probably 2002
Tavie: IMG_0048
Tavie: IMG_0047
Tavie: IMG_0046
Tavie: IMG_0044
Tavie: Mom touches the slipper and is NOT drunk
Tavie: Me touching the slipper
Tavie: Touching the slipper 2012
Tavie: Kirsten touches the slipper
Tavie: My sisters do my bidding
Tavie: Mom and the slipper
Tavie: Dad and the slipper
Tavie: Me touching the slipper again
Tavie: Mom touching the slipper 2011
Tavie: Touching the Slipper 2011
Tavie: Touching the slipper
Tavie: Dad and the mosaic, 1985
Tavie: DSCN4560.JPG
Tavie: Forcing my tradition on others
Tavie: Touching Tokyo Slipper